Saturday, May 24, 2014

Tell the TRUTH! (From May 12th)

I think it's time that Oil & Coal follow the path of the Cigarette Companies & come clean...Yes our products are killing you & the environment, but we make so much money off of them & you are too stupid to stop using them that you tell 97% of the World's Scientist to F-Off. As long as we are making a profit, screw the Earth & the people living on it....It hasn't hurt cigarette sales globally, in fact, as they decline here, they are increasing in Asia/Pacific Islands, where the laws are more lax & they are even marketed as being good for you. Children smoke them at school! Worried about the cost? We wasted more money on 2 wars that would have more than paid to redo the grid, essentially providing free energy to the entire Country. As to the argument that even if America took action, the rest of the world won't, well that's just as lame. America used to lead, even if it wasn't popular. Now were the fat lazy guy living in his mom's basement that yells at the TV, saying, ain't affectin me none....

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