Saturday, May 24, 2014

Please Lie Carefully. (From May 6th)

Lying has been around ever since communication has existed. We all do it, whether it's about religion, fishing, number of donuts consumed, or how many times we have seen Die Hard. Sometimes we because we don't know the answers. Sometimes we lie because we panic or are afraid that the truth may be much to handle. Sometimes we lie to protect ourselves or others. Sometimes we lie because we are just bad people. I can accept all of those as part of the human condition & depending on the weight of the lie, will judge accordingly as to how I react to the lie & the person lying. What really frosts my ass is when I know you are lying & you continue on with the lie. This can range from did you eat my 100grand bar to Christopher Columbus discovering America & we still celebrate it as a holiday. My point is, if you are going to lie, lie well, & lie to the end! It's bad lying & the cover up that hurt me more than the actual lie did to begin with.

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