Saturday, May 24, 2014

Episode 7 (From May 3rd)

When Star Wars came out, I was 4 1/2. The movie changed my life. I loved all three movies. I lived it, played it, slept in it, and dreamed of it. When the next three movies were released, I had grown older, the world had changed, the web was in full bloom, and information was coming at us 24/7. Were the prequels perfect? NO! Could they have been? Not to my generation. We expected way too much and no matter what George had done, we were not going to be satisfied. Somewhere during our adult years we decided we knew more about it than the creator did, and to our fault, we drove the creator out of the business. Now Disney owns the franchise, and they have a solid track record as of late with blockbusters. They are putting $200 million into this film, marketing on an unprecedented level, and possibly Theme Park additions. They will not fail at this & they have brought in the writer of Empire to kick it off. My gut tells me that Episode 7 will be a little too nostalgic, but will set up 8 & 9 in a way that will blow the minds of those who allow themselves to see the films as they did when they were kids, not middle aged cynical assholes...

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