Thursday, May 29, 2014

A True American,Gold Digger, & Asshole walk into a bar...

     What does it say about the state of America & Americans when it takes the death of Maya Angelou to knock the Kardashian Wedding from the Headlines? It says we are pathetic, on the wrong track, and need to pull really get our heads out of our asses...Kim Kardashian was a socialite who organized closets for other rich socialites, until she got pissed on by Brandy's Brother in a homemade sex tape. That's it. She has done little to nothing to benefit mankind & probably wouldn't piss on you, if you were on fire. She married a musically talented, eccentric asshole, who will probably be more remembered for his G.W. Bush comment or his Taylor Swift incident, than his musical career...This is news? This represents America? This is our Royal Family?
     We can't even have dyadic communication when it comes to real issues, for example: climate change, education reform, religion, women's rights, immigration, mental health, or the Second Amendment, to name a few, but we can overload the world wide web with these two assholes?
     As to Maya Angelou, if you don't know who she is, how she grew up, what she went through in life, and what she has accomplished, well then...shame on you. At least google her, dedicate 5 minutes of your time to learn about this Treasured American. Then get back to what's really important, what will Kimye name their next baby? (Remember, North is already taken)


  1. what an excellent post! I'm so glad I don't have a TV so that I don't have to be bombarded by the idiocy that is "news". This new age where people get famous for doing nothing, or less than nothing, is nothing new. it happened all the time during the times of dictators in countries like England and Spain. what makes this new age so sad in comparison is that these people aren't famous for being a part of a powerful political family or from a line of great men and women. these new stars embarrass themselves and turn it into a career. And that truly says how low we've sunk when great people who do amazing things are giving the side door while imbeciles are given the red carpet treatment.

    Howard Stern played a great clip from the news where a politician was being interviewed about a new law that was being proposed. During the interview, the interviewer had to interrupt the politician for the "breaking news" that Justin Beeber was arrested for something. For shame...

    excellent post...

    1. Well said. Sad, but true. I did hear that on Howard Stern as well, and sadly, wasn't surprised. Thank you for your comment.
