Saturday, May 24, 2014

Buffet Etiquette (From March 11th)

The buffet line, soda station, or salad bar is NOT the place to hold a conversation. That is what the table is for. I shouldn't be subjected to your fabulous story about your cute cat & that thing she does when you do that thing you do or what they found growing on Aunt Edna's colon. Nor should I have to stand & wait while you drink 32ozs of your 64oz soda, so you ca...n refill it, drink another 16oz, hit it again, and again...Drink that much soda, you won't have any room for chocolate fountain that you plan on dipping your side of beef in (If the place is dead & you want to take a drink, top it off, fine). Most working people are on a lunch schedule, so we don't have the luxury of enjoying your big adventure in eating! So, let's review & make this simple: 1. STF Up. 2. Get your food/drink like you are in a race. 3. Sit the F**k down like you are in trouble. 4. Tell your stupid story without spitting food on the listener & at a volume that won't reach to Europe's mainland. 5. Try & have a pinch of respect for the rest of the world, since we are the ones that will probably be paying your medical bills when you overdose after eating 14lbs worth of food in one sitting (with a Diet Coke, of course)...

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