Saturday, May 24, 2014

Enough is Enough! (From March 23rd)

The U.S. has already spent millions & the cost of looking for this missing plane is in the hundreds of millions, according to reports and it makes me ponder a question few are willing to ask... Is this the best use of this money, on a global scale? Yes, it's sad, closure would be nice, and I admit, if I had family on that plane, I'd want answers too, but at what cost? Literally? ...At what point do we stop looking? What if we never find it? What if the cost creeps into the billions or other planes crash looking for it or searchers die looking for the plane? At some point, the benefit that money could have been used to help others has to out weigh the 230+ people we are looking for and if I was on a plane that turned out missing, at some point I would hope the money wouldn't be used looking for me, when it could help so many others (besides, I know what happens, first, my volleyball floats away & to add insult to injury, when I'm found, Helen Hunt keeps my car, but has kids with some other guy!)...I see those commercials where for 50 cents per day you can feed a hungry child, buy mosquito nets for families, clean drinking water, save a dog, etc. and I just start to scratch my head and wonder...

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