Saturday, May 24, 2014

Don't Cry...(From May 6th)

All my life I've been told if you want somebody tough on crime, vote Republican. If you want a strong military leader, vote Republican. If you want a strong economy, vote Republican. Real Men are Republicans & Democratic men are pussies....Except....when you make fun of them. When that happens, like at the WHCD, then it's too personal, rude, insensitive, disrespectful, and blah-blah-blah... Where's the tuff guy now? Why are you being such a pussy? Are you not listening to the jokes or the roasting? Are you too busy preparing your fake outrage? They seem to be making fun of everyone, everything, if anything, it was almost not funny, because a lot of it was true! Real Men my ass, more like a bunch of uptight rich a-holes that can't take a joke, but attach Socialism, Communism and Fascism to everything that comes out of the lefts mouth, instead of talking/debating the REAL issues at hand, not the Fox Noise talking points.

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