Saturday, June 14, 2014

Everyday is Fathers Day!

In between Memorial Day and Independence Day, Hallmark manages to squeeze in one more fictional holiday before they take their summer break, Father's Day... A clear afterthought to Mother's Day both in marketing and quality/quantity of gifts, it's a day where dad's around the world live in fear of what their wife and children think they like/want. Department stores line the isles with all the gifts that didn't sell at Christmas and place a giant "DAD" sign next to them.

Well, not this Dad. I don't need a miniature ping pong table, tie rack, indoor putting green, beer making kit, or ash tray. Ladies, men are real simple, and for the most part, if we want or need something, we buy it. So the odds are heavily stacked against you that you are going to find the "it" gift, especially after dragging the children around the mall. The only thing that can come of this is hurt feelings and a need for a garage sale.  Also, I've said this before, if men bought the type of mother's day gifts that women buy for men, there would be rioting in the streets.

To me, everyday is Father's Day, because I chose to be a father. My children growing up, being respectable/honest citizens, doing well in school, participating in sports/band, and telling me they love me before they go to bed is all the gift I need. Knowing that they will grow up and have opportunities, adventures, and an even more productive life than I did, trumps any clip on tie or over sized candy bar. Each day presents new challenges and rewards that make all the sleepless nights and worrying worth it.  It's beyond anything that can be wrapped in a box...However...

If I have to participate in this farce, for the sake of the children, then I would like to eat somewhere that doesn't offer nuggets. If I'm going to cave in, then a life size Han Solo in Carbonite statue would be an acceptable gift.  If I have to go all out, smile, and act as if I am the luckiest dad in the world, well, then, wake me up to the sound of Rihanna singing in my shower, issue me a "Hall Pass," and if I don't die (or have anything last longer than 4 hours), I'll put on that Old Spice and take the whole gang out to Chuck E. Cheese!

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