Friday, June 6, 2014

ACHTUNG! Not again...

Look familiar? It should. If it doesn't, then maybe it's time to stop googling images of Rhianna's dress from this past week. Google this image, and then pick up a history book... I've been hearing a lot of talk lately about how the "Far Right" is gaining power in Europe, however, I think there may be a difference between the far right in Europe and the far right in America. So next time you see a news channel reporting on the far right coming back or a buddy tells you that Europe's on the "right" track, think again.

The Depression of the 1930's was a global one and many took advantage of this in Europe for political/military gain, which was one of the major factors that eventually plunged the world into war. Tens of millions of people died to end this type of hate and create a world in which humans would ensure that this would never happen again....

Many countries, including our own, have been in an economic recession for several years and economists stop just short of using the word Depression. Economic hardships lead to fear and there is nothing more dangerous than those that would prey upon it. As human beings, we owe it to the men and women of the past that made the ultimate sacrifice for this planet not to go down this road again. If we do, this time, I don't see the FDRs and Churchills coming to save us, they don't seem to exist anymore...

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it" -George Santayana

P.S. It's the 70th Anniversary of D-Day...

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