Sunday, June 22, 2014

Drink from the "World Cup" at your own risk!

As the World Cup rages on, I can't help but think, shame on us. This is twice in the same year that we have celebrated sport (Sochi/Brazil), while corrupt governments take millions from the people, displace thousands from their homes, commit human & animal rights abuses daily, and allow FIFA and the IOC to dictate their laws to host countries while maximizing profits. All the while selling the public on a web of lies promoting sportsmanship, fairness, and the benefit of sport.

Why don't we care? Why aren't we outraged that Brazil spent over $270 million on a soccer stadium that will be used 4 times and then set empty til the end of time because it's located in the middle of a jungle? Why aren't we concerned that people are going missing, presumed dead, so that the streets look clean for the tourists? Why is FIFA a tax exempt organization, yet they have a billion dollars in reserves, and take all of the profits from the World Cup, leaving the host nation in financial disarray? Why do we continue to gather every four years at the expense of our fellow man?

This will only get worse when the World Cup is over and Brazil has to go in to overdrive to catch up on it's construction for the 2016 Olympics. An Olympics that will enable further government corruption, human rights violations, and sadly, the deaths of many fellow human beings. However, you will rarely see this on the news or in your local McDonald's, as they profit from our never ending hunger for sports and competition. They will market it as sexy, fun, family based entertainment, celebrating the best that humanity has to offer, while sweeping the sins of the organizers under the freshly laid red carpet.

So what is the solution? On a small scale, stop supporting the businesses that sponsor these events and bombard them with emails, tweets, and any other form of media, telling them enough is enough. On a larger scale, demand the World Cup & The Olympics  pick 4-6 sites, globally, that can financially support the events, and enter in to a rotation, so that each venue is used more than once, and when it's not being used, can be used for training by surrounding countries. Finally, demand that these organizations be transparent with their financial statements, and if they truly are non profit, use any additional revenue to support the surrounding areas where the games are held. That way they can truly market themselves as a benefit to all of mankind.

Or we can do what we typically do when there is bad news in the world. Express short term outrage, pledge change, then go back to our beer & hot wings and chant USA! USA! USA!

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