Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Crazy vs. Crazy: More Guns Please!

If you are a gun owner that obeys the law and takes pride in the responsibility of owning a gun, this post isn't for you. If your name is Cleetus and you are currently stock piling ammunition in your trailer in preparation for the war against the government or zombies, this post isn't for you. If you are a parent or citizen who is sick of reading about senseless gun violence and feels like something should be done, then you need to continue reading this post.

Our founding fathers were comprised of  slave owners, atheist, bisexuals, and men who would not be elected to public office in today's world based on their ideology and values. They crafted a country the best they could for the times they lived in and stated time and time again that changing this country was not a bad thing, but a positive and necessary step in continuing the success of this Democratic Republic.  They would be horrified today as to what we have evolved into, a Nation that is bought and paid for on the corporate level by Oil, Coal, and Guns. None of these industries care about you, your family, your health, or the future. They only have one concern, PROFIT for their investors.

Since we can't have a discussion on guns, thanks to the NRA and their fear tactics, there is no point in stating facts, statistics, or examples of how other countries manage their guns. We are as addicted to guns as heroin addicts and there is no cure in sight. When laws are needed to be written or amended, it's the NRA that crafts them for the politicians, so they can be full of loopholes or watered down. A group of around 5 million people controls all discussion on instruments of death that affects over 300 million.

If the argument is it's "our right", then why can't we own any type of weapon we want? If it's for home protection, how many rounds do you need in one clip? Has anyone ever survived being shot 30,50, 100 times?  If it's to defend yourself against the Government, well, then you are f**king stupid, the government can take you out from a computer screen in Colorado. Are you part of a militia? I doubt it. Do you like just blowing the shit out of things? Fine, could you at least be required to register your gun and keep it locked up? Or my favorite, if you take away all the guns, they will use hammers... OK, I could live with that. A school would have a much better chance dealing with a hammer attack, then an extended clip with multiple shots per second being fired... 90% of Americans want extended background checks. You can't get 9/10 people to agree on almost anything, yet their voice was silenced (by lobbyist)...

So what's the solution? A logical one would be to vote out the politicians that aren't willing to work on a multifaceted approach to gun violence in America, including mental health, background checks, and penalties for people who allow others to use their guns against others, to name a few. Sadly, the ones screaming mental health reform are the same ones who typically vote to cut that type of funding. It's just a good campaign jingle. Solving this problem is a lose-lose because their backers lose money and they have nothing to campaign on. The business of selling fear is a profitable one and good for job security.

For now, that leaves us with fighting crazy with crazy. The people who seek reforms and want to see an end to the senseless slaughters that plague this Nation need to act. How? 1. Buy all the guns and ammo. Keep the shelves at zero inventory until the fanatics are willing to talk, and talk in a respectable, meaningful way that provides common sense solutions while respecting the rights of lawful gun owners. Take away their addiction, starve the beast, and they will be willing to talk, and talk fast. 2. Sexual boycott on a Nationwide scale. Take away all bedroom privileges and there will be a deal within a week. Possibly the only thing that these fanatics & uninformed people crave more than their guns is sex. Take away the boobies, close the strip clubs, and shut down the nudie websites for a week, and by god, there will be a deal. Finally, vote against your party or politician that isn't willing to discuss this. Eric Cantor just got ousted, which leads me to believe that anyone can. Even if that means voting against your principles, just for the sake of this issue, do it. The numbers won't lie...

In conclusion, logic and reason have been trumped by money and fear. Even if we removed all the guns, there would still be violence, but that's not the point. The point is, it's too easy to pick up a gun, steal a gun, obtain one without any record, purchase ammunition, and shoot somebody because they took your parking spot. The third victim in Las Vegas had a conceal & carry permit, so more guns didn't work out well for him. Columbine had two cops on duty...If we are really going to keep ignoring this issue (mental health included) then we should honor our founding fathers and issue every man, woman, and child a musket and require them to carry it at all times. At least then, the odds of walking in to (fill in the blank) and killing multiple people would significantly decrease...

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