Thursday, July 3, 2014

Happy Birthday America! (and many more?)

                                                 U.S. 1776-1972             U.S. 1973-Present

As we celebrate America's Birthday and all that this young Nation has accomplished, I can't help but worry about our future. We have overcome a lot as a Nation, risen from our failures as well as celebrated our many accomplishments. In just a few hundred years we became a global power, a beacon of hope, and an example for the entire world to follow. However, over the past few decades we've began to deviate from our course, blurred too many lines, and entered an era of partisanship that paralyzes our system of government... How do we fix it? Can we fix it? I would like to think as Americans we can!

Our Declaration of Independence was a bold move for the times and required a lot of hard work, sacrifice, and placed it's people in a position to create the greatest country in the world or die trying. Our founding fathers did the best they could in setting up our system of government and it was Jefferson who advocated that we change the rules from time to time, to adapt to the growing Nation's needs. We struggled with humanitarian issues, nothing short of genocide with Native Americans and almost tore the country in half over the issues of Industrialization and Slavery. Through it all, we have endured and for the most part, learned from our mistakes...

We entered the 20th century poised to take our place among the elite nations of the world and after a Great Depression sandwiched between two world wars, we came out as that leading nation. Nothing could stop us now as we ushered in a new era of American Exceptionalism. There was nothing we couldn't do, including landing on the moon. Then came Vietnam and Watergate, and for the first time, in a long time, the American people began to have fear. Fear of their Government, fearful of their leaders, and worried about the days to come....

Politicians during this time began to change as well. Many of our founding fathers and early leaders chose only to serve one or two terms and then they would return to their private life. They didn't see being a politician as a career. After Roosevelt's 4th term as President, Congress changed the rules limiting the President to just two terms, yet they didn't do the same thing for themselves. Now we have life time politicians, hell, some even die in office. They seemingly do less and less because their main objective is to be re-elected. They make 6 figures for life, yet work less than 1/2 the year. Over the past 20 years, it's gotten even worse. The amount of production by our elected officials is at record lows. The partisanship is ugly, unproductive, and the environment is toxic. Reaching across the isle is a thing of the past and if you don't do your lobbyist's bidding, they will have you replaced.  It would be too easy to blame Bush & Obama for all of the strife in Washington and pain caused to the American people, but you really don't need to look any further than your own state and who you send to Washington...

So what's the fix? Change the rules. Exercise our power as citizens. Instead of stock piling ammunition in your basement waiting for your own revolution, exercise your voice and pen. Demand change or vote them out, even if it's against your own party. To start with, the President would serve 1-6 year term. No re-election, no campaigning, and would have the power of the line item veto. Second, Congress would be limited to 2-4 year terms, with a midterm during the 3rd year of the Presidency. There would be no life time benefits to these politicians and they would have to return to the private sector. Lobbying, Political Pacs, and Special Interests groups would be gone as well. The fact that a few corporations and individuals can make the rules for the masses should be viewed as Treason. It's time to return the power and system of government to the people.

It's important to remember that it is "We the People" that are affected by the acts of our elected officials on a daily basis. We need to re-engage our politicians and explain to them that it is an honor for them to serve us, not the other way around. It's time we take some of the energy we waste on i-phones, reality TV, sports, ourselves, and direct that back in to our Democratic Republic. As things stand right now, we are getting the Government we deserve, not the one we need.

So I ask, after this weekend of drinking, food eating contests, and our love of blowing things up, that "We the People" start reading the newspaper (s), watching more than 1 news channel, listening to the other side, and engaging in conversation in an effort to find common ground. It's there to be found, always has been, we just haven't been looking. Instead we have entrusted that power to a group of people who were never looking because it's easier to stay elected and have something to campaign on if the issue is never solved. As long as we tolerate this mind set from our elected officials, our Nation and the world as a whole will continue to suffer and where's the fun in celebrating that?

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