Friday, July 11, 2014

Bend Over, I'll Drive! The Art of Buying a Car.

Car shopping is one of the few experiences that should be a joyous one (furniture shopping being another), but usually ends in high blood pressure, constipation, and that inner feeling that a murder is about to take place...Why? It's your money, you are the one out shopping for a vehicle. You are the customer, isn't the customer always right? This doesn't happen at Wal-Mart, Best Buy, or Toys R Us... So what gives? The answer? Their sole purpose is to F**k you out of as much money as they possible can & they don't give two shits about how you feel when you leave (they won't see you again for a couple years). They know that there is another customer around the corner just waiting to bend over in your place (this is why I left the business). So what can you do to end up being the elephant and not the poor Rhino? TOTAL WAR (not smart bombs & Seals, think B-52's and Germany).

First, do your research. There is a tool out there called the world wide web and it serves another purpose other than pornography. Most dealerships now have websites and you can put them at war against each other, along with finding out what everyone else is paying for the same vehicle nation wide. If you can't navigate the web, bring lube, lots of it.

Second, be prepared to walk out. Time is on the dealers side. They will go through a song & dance to wear you down. The purpose is that you'll give up, sign, and move on. If you have a trade, know everything about it. They will break your trade-in down into a billion pieces (what's wrong with it), basically making them the hero for taking it off your poor-stupid hands (it's always better to sell it on your own).

Third, if you are woman, no matter how successful you are, strong, etc. They will find a way to screw you over. I know it's 2014, but this is one thing that hasn't changed (just be thankful they don't ask you to make them a sandwich & bring them their slippers). Bring a man, even if it's a serial killer. Sure you may be murdered later on the drive home, but you got a lower price and better rate. Older men are even better, it's clear by how they dress they don't give a f**k, and that's the attitude you need when buying a car.

Fourth, don't buy more than TWO cars from a friend/same salesman. They'll give you the best deal on the first one, an OK deal on the second one, then they will break it off in your ass on cars 3-infinity. Why? Because you trust them & think they would never screw me over, we're friends, they even send me a birthday card... BULLSHIT...This is car shopping, there is no such thing as friendship (the store database alerts them to your birthday and tells them to send you a card).

Fifth, new vehicles tend to have lower markup than used vehicles. Dealerships make large profits off of their used inventory and very little off of new (Service is the real gold mine). Salesman usually make a flat fee off of a new car (because the dealer has to compete harder with other dealerships). Sometimes as low as $50/$100 per unit, where as used can generate them a commission anywhere from $300-$1500+. Ever wonder why you come in to look at a new car and they want to show you a used one? Be focused on what you need/looking for when you enter. Otherwise you will go in to buy a new van and drive home in a two-seat convertible.

Sixth, have your A-game ready for finance. Know the rates, know your credit. This is the ultimate game of liars poker and you are going to lose. How much is up to you. Everything is negotiable in this room. The rate, extended warranties, terms, payment date, all of it. Their job is to give you a higher rate, one you feel OK with, then they buy the rate lower from the bank and make extra money, even if it's a 1/2%, that adds up over hundreds of car deals. Extended warranties are sometimes a good value, but they have a high margin of mark up too (also, if you sell the car before that warranty is up, you can get a refund on the difference).

Finally, remember, it's your money, your time, your life. They don't care about you, they hate your kids (bring them and load them up on sugar), talk about banging your wife when your back is turned, high five when you leave because of the pounding you just took (including all the service visits where they send out a cute girl or old man with a laundry list of bullshit you (don't) need done to your car), knowing that you will be back before the vehicle is paid off, ready for a new one and they can pound some more...Your job is to burn bridges, come in with guns blazing, scorch the earth that the dealership is built on, and when you leave, the last thing you should hear from the General Manager is..."I don't ever want to see that MOTHER-F**KER on my lot again"! Then you know you have received a good deal on your car purchase!

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