Monday, July 14, 2014

Organized Religion is Killing Us. Imagine That...

The terrorism that plagues the Western World of today is nothing new (all sides have blood on their hands). It's been going on for thousands of years in one form or another and it will probably never end. Anyone claiming there is a way to end it is lying/campaigning and is in stark contrast to the definition of the word. We can take measures to minimize it's affects, limit it's reach, and educate future generations to put down their arms and strive for a more balanced world...I'm often asked, why don't you believe in God? Why don't you go to church? How come you don't take the Bible as the literal word of God? How come you feel that Organized Religion is a bad thing?

I've never said that I don't believe in God. In fact, I have faith that there is a God or at least enjoy the notion of one. I save beliefs for things that can be proven, like 2+2=4. To say that you can prove there is a god or not is foolish and irresponsible. To say that your God is better than any other God is arrogant at best, and is part of the problem of today's world. If you look back at early man, there are origin stories, miracle births, etc. that predate "The Big 3". Some of these stories were possibly created to explain things early man didn't understand. Until we can time travel or God shows up, we'll never truly know, that's why I don't believe, I instead, have faith. It's hard to change a belief, faith allows for options.

As far as going to Church, don't need to. If I want to have a relationship with God, I can contact him/her directly. No middle man. I don't need to support multi-million dollar corporations that pay no taxes and waste a great deal of their collections on maintaining property, possessions, and the machine that is Organized Religion. Early Christians met in homes with friends and family. They didn't need a superstructure with an indoor basketball court, rock band, and countless works of art worth tens of millions of dollars. If there is a God, he/she is always there, always listening, and whether or not he/she answers your call depends on what you are asking for and your perception of his/her role in your life.

Whether you are a Christian or not, there are some good life lessons in the Bible and Koran. Following Jesus's teachings is not a bad way to live. As to the Bible, it's not the true word of God. It's a compilation of stories, put together at the Council of Nicaea, in order to shape the direction of a young and budding Christianity. Many books were left out/ordered to be destroyed, stories changed/altered for political reasons, and the true word of God was being altered to fit a narrative. Hell, even Thomas Jefferson was so fed up with the fluff in the Bible that he created his own! Also, I believe in science. In doing so, I can't accept certain aspects of the stories told in the Bible. I understand their point, but they are not factual. Plus I have a problem with their views on women, slavery, free will (?), etc.  

Why do I feel that organized Religion is a bad thing? Because it's in stark contrast to those bracelets that are popular, you know, "What Would Jesus Do"? Sure, Churches help some in need and many try and do good things for their communities. However, with the hundreds of billions of dollars possessed by organized religious institutions (and land) why are there still homeless people, famine, genocide, poverty, unsanitary drinking water, pollution, war, and on and on... Why do you have to believe a specific way in order to receive aide (if we are all God's children). Because it's become a business, bogged down in bureaucracy, and it costs money to run/maintain a business, which means less money to help those in need. 

Jesus would probably shake his head and weep for humanity if he showed up today. He would scratch his head and ask what we're thinking as people (and why is my Birthday in December & who is this Santa guy)? Why do we treat each other the way we do? Who's name is this in? Why do all 3 major religions derive from the same God, yet have spent millennia killing each other? When did Churches become businesses, political machines, land owners, and tax free entities with little to no checks and balances? Why is there a 3 strike policy for Priests when it comes to raping children? Where is the compassion for all of humanity, not just a chosen few? Why have my words/teachings been manipulated for political agenda and hate. This isn't what I died on the Cross for, this isn't the message of my father or other prophets, and this is not what I came here to do. Want to minimize terrorism? End organized Religion and "Imagine" speaking to me directly, "it's easy if you try"!

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