Saturday, June 20, 2015

God Wants You to Buy Flowers?

Saturday Morning Conundrum:  I have 3 questions for Debbie Dills, the woman who aided police in finding The D-Bag-Rebel who tried (and failed) to restart the Civil War…First, let me say to her, thank you for doing your civic duty & going the extra mile (rim shot) in tailing him. That was a brave thing to do & you helped end a chapter to a tragic situation…However, after seeing you repeatedly on television, my George Carlin Bullshit meter (installed by the UN) began ringing and while I was up at 6:30am raking leaves & spraying for bugs (in a vain effort to escape today's hellish weather), I had a fascinating conversation with myself that left me with 3 questions…

1. You keep saying you are a vessel for the God, that God did this, & that God deserves all the glory, credit, etc… So am I to understand that God killed 9 people in his own house of worship, during a prayer meeting, so he could then, through you, catch the bad guy & get all the credit?  

2. If this was part of “Gods Plan” then where does Free Will fit in to all of this? If he plans & executes everything, then Free Will doesn’t exist, which is a major bone of contention among many Christians…

3. Conceding the point that it is “Gods Plan,” did he direct you to do interview after interview in front of the Floral shop, with the phone number in frame, or was that just a coincidence, sorry, I mean miracle?  

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