Saturday, June 20, 2015

Do you see what I see? (A symbol of Hate)

I can’t stand anymore of this argument and I’m tired of the excuses and bullshit. Ask yourself this. Are the children of Nazis flying swastika flags on their version of Memorial Day? Do they have swastika license plate frames? Do they fly a swastika flag at German war memorials? Are the German people proud of their heritage from 70+ years ago? Do they name their children & grandchildren Adolf? I’m sure there are a few exceptions, but overwhelmingly, you can’t get a German to discuss that era, because they are ashamed of it…Now I’m not comparing the actions of the Nazis to those of the Confederates in a 1:1 example of evil, but if your IQ is over 75, you can see the theme developing here.

 I may have some relatives that fought for the South, I honestly can’t remember. I may have had both, but I’ll concede it’s a possibility, so all I can say is Fuck you, you treasonous pieces of shit. You damn near destroyed my way of life & our Country because of your ignorance and backwards logic. I don’t honor you, I’m ashamed of you. I don’t care that you believed it, because it was wrong. Time doesn’t excuse the behavior either, you quit our Country & killed Americans, including one of our greatest Presidents, not to mention the whole issue of slavery (which is another rant all together).

 Thankfully, post-Civil War, cooler heads prevailed & the South was allowed back in. The South accepted, and has drug its moronic feet ever since, & still does in some parts. It’s beyond time to get rid of that flag & all it stands for. There is nothing positive about it. When I see that moronic symbol, there are two things that come to mind. First is what an inbred-racist-piece of shit that is, who is out of touch with 2015 (which may be not true & unfair, but that’s the risk you take, kind of like if you wore a white bed sheet & hood to a club on Halloween, claiming you were a ghost). Second, the Dukes of Hazzard was a terrible television program & how dumb were we to be duped by stock footage of that car making the same jump every time (99% of the reason anybody watched was Catherine Bach)…

Now if you are offended by this, then good. Think of how a majority of one race feels or decedents of Union soldiers feel when they see that nut-incrusted-turd flapping in the wind or stuck to the back of a truck.  Its 2015, the world isn’t flat, the sun doesn’t revolve around the earth, & the South was wrong.

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