Friday, November 7, 2014

Dear America, WTF? Seriously?

Since many of our founding fathers didn't believe in God, they aren't looking down on us shaking their heads while throwing their hands up in the air. Instead, they are dead in the ground, and lucky for them. As they rolled out the framework for this experiment in Democracy they had no idea of what was to lie ahead, both in the good (duct tape, rope light, air conditioning) and the bad (the snuggie, jazz music, and After M.A.S.H.). What they did was give us a frame work, safe guards, and guidance as to the future. Jefferson stressed that we should adapt the rules to each generation, and not rest upon the work that they had done alone. As a society, we were to evolve and the cream of the crop was supposed to rise to the top. What happened? We did.

One of the top news stories of the week has been Amanda Bynes sleeping at a shopping mall. Who gives a f**k and who is Amanda Bynes? Does she hold the keys to the launch codes? Is she a descendant of royalty? Is she the only living soul that has the cure to cancer, but has written it down somewhere and can't find it? Or, is she just one of a million people that our culture obsesses over that they don't know, will never know, and wouldn't know what to do if they met them? I can't click on a web page without seeing this nitwit and what she's up to and how her family is reacting. Is this the social issue/cause of the day? Aids is cured? Kids aren't fat anymore? The National Debt is gone?

Where's Ebola? I was promised 10's of thousands of deaths by now and I was counting on that because I figured if you were dumb enough to eat piss and shit off of the ground, then maybe we'd all benefit from your early departure. Instead, as of today, O.J. has a higher kill rate than Ebola. Thanks Media. If this was only the first time you have over sold a story, I'd be pissed, but I knew all along that you were just yanking my mental chain in to thinking that we were going to have a real population killer. Don't forget, we'll lose about 30k this year to the flu alone, but that doesn't have teeth.

Country music, chill-the-f**k-out! Taylor will eventually come back. She made a pop album, she didn't take a dump on the hood of the General Lee & marry a Toyota Truck owner. My god, if pop wants to do country, you guys love it, but if country goes pop, you circle the trailer park & batten down the hatches. This weeks CMA's looked like a desperate cry for attention, like a stripper taking a Masters Course in Physics. People dressed like the cast of Tron, duets with people who had no business being there, singing songs about giant asses instead of Ford Trucks or the fact that your dog just died, again. What happened to staying true to your roots, which were died platinum blond...I want to hear about you kissin your cousin, grandma's moonshine, and that time the squirrel got loose in the church. I don't want to bare witness to bad karaoke, horrible costumes, & awkward smiles.

Then there were the midterm Elections, where America showed how pissed off they were, but at whom? I know Barry took the brunt of it, well deserved, but you kept in Mitch, and he doesn't give a flying f**k about anyone, not even the people of Kentucky or his fellow Muppet's. Pot & Gay marriage are becoming more of the normal, but if you are a woman, let's roll back the clocks to the 50's (and while your at it, bring me a sandwich, honey).  Immigration reform is dead, tax reform is dead, education is dying, the planet is dying, but we've now put a slapdick (Jim Inhofe) in charge of that, who denies climate change exists...Funny, because according to our own military, the #1 threat to the planet is........Climate Change!!! The only solution to anything seems to be cut taxes, build fences, and spread as much fear & hate as possible, so that you can campaign on fear & hate in the next election. I can promise you this, not much is going to change over the next two years & if the R's in charge act like the D's in charge, this will flip again & Hillary will moonwalk into the White House in a navy blue pants suit.

So people are mad as hell, I know I am, but nobody does anything about it. We continue to re-elect the same assholes to power, we don't demand term limits, an end to lobbying/special interest groups, we don't hold our local governments accountable & let them cow tow to the corporations that seem to be pulling the strings. We dismiss science & facts with reckless abandon while accepting lies from corporations that make our food & medicine. We put all of our energy into an online petition to bring back the McRib on an annual basis, yet we won't sign a petition to let someone have the right to die while suffering from a terminal illness. We'll tune in by the millions to watch grown men give each other brain injuries, yet we won't pay enough attention to the news to bring our servicemen & women home from another conflict in the middle east that has NO END...

Our news has become entertainment, while our entertainment has become the news. Instead of the cream of the crop rising to the top, they cash in early on an app that notifies you when a titty has popped out on the red carpet & move to an island somewhere where they can afford to be away from all of this stupidity. Meanwhile, the masses line up out front of Wal-Mart at 4am for the chance to be the one person that can sprint the fastest to the back of the store, without being trampled to death, to claim the only Tickle-Me-Elmo-Platinum Anniversary Edition complete with realistic bowl movements, so they can go home, flip it on EBay, & buy more supplies to make meth....

Is this what our founding fathers are lying in the ground for? I don't think so, we are better than this. We shouldn't be #1 in food eating. We won the cold war, this is our time to shine, not flounder. We need to go to Mars, build flying cars, and further expand our use of rope light! I want Americans to get up & direct that anger at our leaders, not the judges on Dancing with the has-beens, and demand accountability from our elected officials who make 6-figures & only work 1/2 the year! If not, over the next 50 years, Disney is going to have to move Wall-E from the kids section over to the documentary section, and you know how Americans feel about documentaries...   

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