Saturday, July 9, 2016

The World Wide Web: Humanities Mirror

Every now and then my father will contact me and describe in way too much detail an episode of Law & Order Special Old People’s Unit, and go on and on about how they found this person that was into whiffle ball bats, small farm animals, Nutella, and pictures of Unicorns. He’ll then proceed to lament that this sort of behavior didn’t happen when he was growing up and this is all a result of liberals taking over the media, education, and forcing their perversions upon wholesome Americans…

Well, that is horseshit. Over the last few days, weeks, months, and years, it seems that we are forced to take a hard look in the mirror over many issues (terrorism, war, poverty, taxes, equality) that we don’t want to talk about or in many cases don’t want to admit exists…For example, too many people respond to #BlackLivesMatter with #AllLivesMatter (well of course all lives matter, if you are a caring human being, but all lives right now don’t feel like they are suffering or in pain, so maybe listen to what they have to say, assessing if it’s a valid point, and working towards a solution, like the police department in Dallas was doing, with great results, instead of being so offended and coming across as an uniformed-insensitive-racist). There is a simple and clear explanation for this giant mirror being thrust upon us as individuals and society as a whole, the internet.

The internet (World Wide Web) has opened the doors to the soul of humanity, good/bad, right/wrong, and it appears that even though this tool has been around to the masses for two decades, too many of us are only comfortable with it when we are using it for our own personal needs. Whether that be shopping, educational reasons, gaming, or porn…However, when the truest form of Democracy shows us injustice, racism, strife, extreme poverty, war, or Kathy Bates naked, we immediately call out for a simpler time & click on kitten videos…

The truth is, all of this has been going on long before the internet, long before the “liberals” took over, and even during Reagan’s America…Some of the oldest books we reference deal with murder, slavery, incest, rape, taxes, war, abusive politicians, and even this miraculous process of turning water into wine…The same internet that allows you to have your groceries delivered to your door is the same internet that may prevent a teen that is transgender from feeling alone & killing themselves…This tool may help an innocent man have his conviction overturned, allowing him to go free, or it may aide a lost soul to plan & commit a horrific crime…Preserving this truest form of Democracy & allowing all of humanity to have a voice must be preserved, whether we as individuals feel comfortable or not.

The internet doesn’t need any rules or censorship.  It’s the humans using it that need the help. We need help understanding people of different color, religion, socioeconomic backgrounds, and lifestyles. We need to better understand gentrification, poverty, and social injustice. We need help to see that everything isn’t black and white, and that’s ok, grey is nice too (look at my kitchen cabinets)…Most of all, we need to listen when others talk, so that communication flows in a dyadic pattern, not linear…I’ve seen too many cryptic posts over the last few days that do nothing to advance the conversation or humanity, all they are doing is to continue to divide & build walls…That’s not a slam on Trump, I welcome his honesty, candor, and the conversations he’s begun. I don’t agree with all of them, but in a silver-lining sort of way, he’s forcing the world to have conversations, many of which the world has gone decades without having…The results of that (and many other conversations we aren’t having & need to) are to be determined, but the beauty of the internet is, they can’t hide for long and neither should we…

As to Law & Order, never watched it, I prefer comedies…Besides, it only takes a few clicks to discover these types of lifestyles & which ones are living on your street…