Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Three Holes, One Country.

 In case you were wondering what Sean Hannity, Kanye West, and a cartoon drawing of an asshole have in common, the answer is quite simple. They all spread shit and disease in one form or another around the world. They are a required part of a functioning civilization, but every now and then they open up too wide and that creates nothing but a mess. Now it would be too easy to attack Hannity and Kanye for their opinions and views as a whole, but what they are currently doing speaks to a larger issue that has been unfolding for a long time, has passed critical mass, and most of us live our lives without paying it any attention, which is to our own demise.

There was a time in this Country where families would gather around the television and watch the nightly news. It wasn't always lively, often quite boring, but it was there to inform the population of events from around the world to around the block. Newspapers played a prominent role too, and for better or for worse, the truth was at the heart of the information presented. Sure there were mistakes and being that we are human, there were misreportings, but on a whole, people felt like they could believe what they were reading and seeing when they came home from work. The news was often lagging behind the events as they unfolded, but I would argue that was a good thing, because it allowed for more vetting and as all too common today, cut through many of the mistakes of a 24/7 news cycle.

So where does Hannity fit into this? It’s his recent attack on Brian Williams, with the banner LIAR, covering the bottom right corner of his screen. Hannity seems to love the downfall of a Network Anchor. We are just days into the Brian Williams story, and it doesn't look good (I’ll admit), however, this shouldn't be celebrated or applauded by any person in journalism (or as a talk show host like Sean Hannity). The problem with Hannity, Maddow, and others is, they aren't news anchors presenting news, and they are entertainers, masquerading as news, while presenting information to their target audience. I have no problem with this. Where it becomes murky is the mass populous of people that watch these types of programs for their news.  Attacking Williams and celebrating another networks credibility issue hurts all parties involved. Recently Fox News had to issue multiple on air apologies and that benefited nobody as well.

Whether it’s Vietnam/Watergate/Iran Contra/Lewinsky/911/Iraq and countless other stories that have been misreported on, it drives the confidence of the viewer lower and lower, it weakens their belief in the system. It gives rise to conspiracy, creates radical groups that have only serve the purpose of spreading more fear and generating profits for themselves.  When there is a breakdown in honest journalism and our Government is allowed to go unchecked, liberty is lost, money is wasted, and people die. It’s really that simple. So instead of celebrating Brian Williams and lampooning NBC, other Networks, News Institutions, and Talk Shows should take this time to do a self-audit, make sure their house is in order, and under no circumstances should they be throwing stones, being that they live in a glass house as well.  

As to Mr. West and his recent outburst over Beyoncé not winning a Grammy, shut the fuck up.  Voting took place, and she didn't win. Not everybody wins (unless you are youth sports teams), and the Grammy’s has a history of being out of touch. Personally, I couldn't tell you one song off of Beck or Beyoncé’s album, but I didn't tune in for the awards...I like the awkward duets and the section where they list everyone who died the previous year. What Kanye doesn't understand is, it’s not up to him to determine the winners or the losers. How you lose says a lot more about you than how you win, and he clearly can’t handle losing. Plus, he’s married to a giant ass, so why does he have dog in this fight? If anyone should have complained, it would be Mr. Beyoncé.

This behavior by Kanye is seen daily in public schools and it’s a direct example of children not being taught manners, rules, respect, and life lessons that prepare them for adulthood. It is Mr. West’s opinion that Beyoncé should have won, but he is not the King and he alone does not decide the outcome. Instead of staying in his seat, clapping for Beck (or just remaining silent) he faked another stage rush, then went off in the media later. This speaks volumes to his character as a man, human being, and as an artist. This type of behavior should not be encouraged or supported. However, we all know that he will not only profit from this, but will continue to be invited to similar events, because it draws in ratings.

As to your actual asshole, wash it daily, and whatever you do with it beyond that is your own business. Just remember, we need daily, accurate news, because without it, we are lost as a people. We need the news so we can help a family whose house has burned down or donate items to victims of an earthquake/flood. The news can help us make informed decisions when it comes to vaccinations, political campaigns, or who won the game in your local town. It lets us know when loved ones have passed, when a road is going to be closed, or if we are in for a storm. The news is a vital part of our daily lives, whether we sit down around the TV or have it sent directly to our phones. Protecting the integrity of the News should be everyone’s number one goal and concern. When there is a breach in that information, it should be corrected quickly, so that the trust of the people is restored immediately. People that are trying to shape the news, influence it, corrupt it, or steer it in one direction should be watched closely and taken with a grain of salt. We should be aware of where we are getting our news from and if it is from a variety show, checking that against other points of view, so we can have a more informed public, one that knows right from wrong, and can accept the outcome. Otherwise we end up with Milli Vanilli, and I can’t imagine what Kanye’s reaction to that would have been.